**TESTIMONIALS - PetParent ( 0 ) | |
Penny Stewart Ward —     5 stars
My first dog was a dream and was just pretty close to perfect. We had to put her to sleep after a quick illness. Being a dog lover, I decided that I needed another dog. I found the sweetest puppy. Her only problem turned out to be that she was part devil behind that sweet face. The only thing to do was training and pray that it would help. Classes were so fun and my dog actually enjoyed them. She learned so much just the first time. Ms. Bobbye has a true gift. I think she speaks dog but just doesn't let anyone know. We completed the first class with graduation caps and all! We went back to more and more. Give you and your dog a chance with Let's Go. You certainly will not regret it!
Sarah Seitz —     5 stars
When I got my first pup, an adorable 10-week-old golden retriever, I spent the first couple months in a state of hysteria. Every day, I would say to myself, "I have survived another day". I nicknamed her Mollie Monster (the name stuck, but luckily the behavior didn't!).
Desperate to find someone who could get this "devil dog" to behave, I called every trainer around town. Bobbye was the most knowledgeable & accommodating, and her philosophy seemed to jive with my own personal beliefs.
When Bobbye came over the next day (Hallelujah!), she thought I was insane. Here was my Mollie Monster sitting at attention, lying down, rolling over, doing acrobatics--all for these magical Pupperoni treats. As a new pet parent, I was absolutely amazed.
In about 2 minutes, it became clear that I was the one who needed the training! Bobbye apologized in dog language to my sweet girl Mollie for my ineptitude, and took me under her wing. Life has been smooth sailing ever since. I can honestly say that Bobbye has changed our lives, and given me a lifelong friendship that I would have never had otherwise. I cannot thank her enough!
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| | 10 Commandments for Responsible ( 0 ) | |
Ten Commandments for Responsible Dog Owners
1. My life is likely to last 10 - 15 years. Spend lots of time with me as I won't be around forever.
2. Give me time to understand what you want from me. Do not break my spirit with your temper, though I will always forgive you. Your patience will teach me more effectively. Place your trust in me It's crucial for my well being.
3. Please have me spayed or neutered.
4. Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends, your entertainment. I only have you.
5. Speak to me often. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it speaks to me. Your voice is the sweetest sound I ever hear, as you must know by my enthusiasm whenever I hear your footsteps.
6. Take me in when it's cold and wet. I'm a domesticated animal and I am no longer accustomed to the bitter elements. I ask for little more than your gentle hands petting me. Keep my bowl filled with water. Feed me good food so that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding. By your side, I stand ready, willing and able to share my life with you, for that is what I live for. I'll never forget how well you've treated me.
7. Please don't hit me. Do not push me to the point where I need to defend myself. Be aware that however you treat me, I will forgive you, but I will never forget.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps, I'm not getting the right food, I have been out in the sun too long, or my heart may be getting weak.
9. Take care of me when I get old. You too, will grow old.
10. When I am old or when I no longer enjoy good health, please do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. I am not having fun. Just see to it that my trusting life is taken gently. And be with me on that difficult journey when it's time to say goodbye. Never say, "I just can't bear to watch" or "let it happen in my absence". Everything is easier for ME when you are there. I will leave this earth knowing with my last breath that my fate was always safest in your hands. I love you. | |
| | 10 Things to Teach your Children ( 0 ) | |
10 Things to Teach Your Children About a New Pet
1. Be gentle and calm. Practice greeting the pet gently and calmly with your children. So many kids shriek and scream with excitement as they run up to dogs or cats, but children should be taught not to run up to any animal, either their own pet or one in public. When they approach, it should be in a calm manner, talking to the pet in a nice voice. Children can be taught to call a puppy or kitten to come to them and, with supervision, can give a puppy a treat for coming when called.
2. Understand that the dog or cat isn’t a toy. Although they may be soft and furry like a favorite stuffed animal toy, it’s important that your child understand that the pet needs to be treated like a real member of the family. Sit down with your child and practice how to best pet and interact with the new addition on a stuffed animal, reminding them that the real pet will be much different than a toy. Children should always softly pet the puppy or kitten with no pulling or tugging allowed.
3. There must always be an adult around when children play with the pet. This can be a tough one to enforce in a busy household, I know, but it is one of the first things you should teach. Things can go wrong pretty quickly between an inquisitive young child and an animal.
4. Respect the pet’s basic needs and moods. Children should lean that just as with a human baby, young animals need lots of rest. Tell them to not bother a puppy or kitten when it’s sleeping or resting, and if the pet walks away from play, assure them that the pet just needs a break. Children need to learn how to tell when the pet wants to interact and is relaxed and happy, and when the animal is less than happy or wants to go and do something else.
5. Do pet chores. A great way to give your children a sense of responsibility is to have the entire family help with the pet. Hold a family meeting where each family member has a specific task for the week. Each week, mix up the duties (always make sure the child can reasonably complete the task, even it it’s just for a couple of times a week), so that everyone is engaged and no one’s chore gets “forgotten”.
6. Treat animals they way they themselves would like to be treated. Sometimes, children lash out with a kick or shove against their parents or siblings and there is the risk that kid might do the same to express anger against a pet. Explain that all animals want to feel safe and loved, just like humans. Pets don’t like being teased with words, toys or food, and you should teach your child to never hit, kick or strike your pet.
7. Realize the new pet will be annoying at times. Help your child understand that bringing an animal home isn’t just fun, it’s also life-changing, almost like adding a new child to the family. Set up the expectation that this new family member will require extra attention from mommy and daddy, as it’s just a baby and needs extra care.
8. Understand the dog or cat might play favorites. Sometimes a new puppy or kitten may seem to prefer one person in the family over another, and this can lead to hurt feelings by the other family members. Ask your little ones to be patient as the pet may take awhile to come around.
9. Help keep the pet safe. Teach your child that they need to keep their eyes open to make sure the pet stays safe from everyday household dangers like foods they shouldn’t be eating or gates in the yard that don’t close all the way. It is the entire family’s responsibility to take care of the new pet and to give it a loving and happy home.
10. Empathize with the animal. It's not enought to pet gently or keep from yelling at the dog (although those are good habits to master), children should be taught to look at things through their pet's eyes, especially when it first comes home. The more they think about things from the dog or cat's perspective, the better a pet sibling they will be.
And, or course, the best thing to teach your child is how awesome and rewarding having a pet in the family can be,
LET'S GO!! (Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC
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| | 14 Common Dog Behavior Myths ( 0 ) | |
Although dog training has become more of a science than a craft in recent years, some persistent myths still mislead us when reading canine behavior. Don’t let a myth harm your relationship with your pooch. Here, we dispel 14 common myths and look at the facts.
1. An old dog can’t learn new tricks.
False. Old dogs not only learn new tricks but they thrive when trained. Older dogs without housetraining experience as puppies can successfully be housetrained. As long as a dog is mentally and physically capable of learning to perform a behavior and is properly motivated, it’s entirely possible to train her. While intense agility training for Teddy was not realistic, teaching basic commands was.
2. A dog shouldn’t sleep with you or be allowed on furniture, or she’ll think she’s the boss and will misbehave.
False. Just like humans, dogs simply want a comfortable place to lie down. If comfort can be combined with being next to their beloved human, whether it’s right next to you on the couch, or even on top of your lap, then they’re all for it. In rare cases, dogs will guard their sleeping and resting areas, and will show aggression when humans approach these sacred areas. This type of behavior will require remedial training. But for the average Rover, sleeping in bed or resting on the couch has no adverse behavioral effects.
3. When your dog has a potty accident, it’s important to rub her nose in it to let her know what she did.
False. When you rub a dog's nose in her own mess, she often sees no association between that and her having had a potty accident. Nor does rubbing her nose in her accident teach her not to potty on the floor again. Instead, rubbing her nose in her accident teaches her that humans are dangerous and unpredictable, and she will likely begin to hide in safety by sneaking into another room to go to the bathroom, making housebreaking even more difficult.
4. A dog who cowers from people was likely abused in the past.
False. There are various reasons for dogs cowering, and not all of them are because a dog was abused. Commonly, the dog was not properly socialized or had negative experiences during her prime socialization period as a puppy. Genetics also play a role in the fearful dog. Other reasons for a dog to duck away might be that she has learned to dodge people who try to grab her collar, or she is uncomfortable with petting, such as having her ears handled. Unfortunately, well-meaning strangers often approach dogs by bending over the top of their heads and reaching down to pet, which will send timid dogs into a cowering position. A better way to approach is by getting into a kneeling position, with your body turned toward the side, and then inviting the dog to approach you. If you practice this method, it will be less likely to cause a canine to cower.
5. Shelter dogs have too much baggage. It’s better to adopt a puppy to start with a clean slate.
False. Many shelter dogs are well-behaved pooches who, for an endless list of possible reasons, could not be kept by their original owners. Older shelter dogs make ideal candidates for people wanting to skip the puppy stages of chewing, potty training and mouthing. The interview process at most shelters also pairs canine candidates with the family setting that will best suit the dog's temperament, which can create cohesion from the beginning.
6. All dogs should enjoy being around other dogs. It’s essential for dogs to go on outings with other dogs, such as at the dog park. If a dog doesn’t enjoy other dogs, there is something wrong with her.
False. Not all people are social butterflies and neither are all dogs. Some dogs may prefer solitude and only a small, select group of people. Dogs also have their own preferences when it comes to other canines. Breeding can play a big role in their sociability, with terriers being notorious for contentiousness with other pooches. Other times, whether from lack of socialization as a puppy or simply an individual preference, dogs may not enjoy canine comradery. Even though plenty of dogs enjoy the dog park, not all of them enjoy the idea of dozens of other dogs frolicking around them and would instead prefer a quiet walk with their owners.
7. You should let dogs just fight it out when they get into a scuffle.
False (well, at least partly false). It’s true that you should never get into the middle of a dog fight, because some of the most damaging dog bites occur when owners try to separate fighting dogs. There are some tactics you can use to break up the scuffle without actually getting in the middle of the fray. Try using water, a really loud noise, or even a distraction like grabbing a treat bag or using voice to direct them to do something else. Owners should do everything they can to prevent another fight in the future. Often dogs don’t settle matters on their own, and fighting intensifies over time, especially with dogs in the same home. This calls for advanced training with the help of an animal behaviorist or a certified professional trainer.
8. My dog is trying to show she’s in charge when she doesn’t listen to me.
False. It’s easy to attribute human motives like "getting even" or "being spiteful" to our dogs, but dogs don’t have the same complex emotions as humans. The more realistic reasons why a dog doesn’t do what’s being asked is either because she doesn’t understand what she's being asked to do, or the dog doesn’t have the proper motivation to want to perform the behavior. For example, most dogs don’t come when called because the payoff isn’t worth it. When they do, they usually are put on a leash or taken into the house when they’d rather stay outside.
9. My dog knows she was bad after she goes potty in the house. Her guilty face says it all.
False. Dogs show a perceived "guilty face" not because they feel an actual emotion of guilt, but they are actually showing appeasement behaviors in response to their owners intimidating body language. Whether we want to or not, it's difficult not to display negative body language when we're upset with our pets. A 2009 study by researcher Alexandra Horowitz at Barnard College in New York revealed that the "guilty look" dogs display is solely attributed by humans and has no relation to whether the dog is actually responsible for an offense. The study found that dogs who had not actually eaten the forbidden treat, but were scolded by their misinformed owners for eating a treat, showed guiltier-looking body language than dogs who had actually eaten the forbidden treat. The guilty look is simply a response of the dog to her owner’s behavior.
10. It’s always the owner’s fault when a dog misbehaves.
False. Most owners are well-meaning, but are simply misinformed or lack knowledge on how to train their dogs effectively. Blaming the owner for all of a dog's problems makes for good TV, but there are a myriad of reasons why a dog misbehaves, including lack of proper socialization or preventive training, or even the genetic tendencies of the dog. It’s important for pet parents to push past feelings of shame or guilt; instead get started in the right direction with help from a pet professional using positive reinforcement methods.
11. Using treats for training is bribery, and the dog won’t do the behavior later if you don’t give her a treat.
False. It's true that dogs need motivation to perform a behavior. That said, the motivation doesn't always have to be a food-based reward. Dogs can be rewarded in many other ways. Reward them with playing, petting or getting to go outside. They can also be put on a random schedule of rewards with a lottery-ticket-like system so they never know when the payout will come. This system helps keep them motivated. For example: learning to walk on a loose leash may be taught in the beginning by using treats, but once the behavior is learned, treats can be phased out so that the only reward becomes getting to go on the walk itself.
12. When a dog chews up shoes or destroys furniture it’s because she’s punishing the owner.
False. Dogs chew on shoes, furniture and other human items not to punish their owners, but simply because it feels good on their teeth, it relieves boredom, releases energy and, in some cases, may indicate separation anxiety.
13. A dog can’t really be happy unless she can run off-leash.
False. Leashes are made for a dog’s safety. They should be perceived as tools that keep your dog from running into oncoming traffic, going up to unknown dogs or people, and prevent them from running way. Although regular off-leash play in a fenced area is essential for a dog’s well-being, while out in public, dogs can learn to be perfectly content on a leash at their owner’s side.
14. Dogs are great judges of people, so if a dog doesn’t like someone, it must mean there is something wrong with that person.
False. In the majority of cases, dogs who react aggressively or fearfully to a person are not doing so out of a negative moral evaluation of the individual, but are responding out of their own self-preservation. With that said, there have been plenty of circumstances where pets have used an apparent sixth sense to pick up on cues that went unseen by their human and actually saved their human’s life. However, the majority of dogs I see in my training practice are unfriendly with a person because they are reacting out of fear to a certain physical attribute, movement or the physical proximity of a person, and are not reacting based on any moral evaluation of the individual.
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| | 7 Good Habits of a Effective ( 0 ) | |
1. Training
All great dog owners spend some time training their dogs. Training is the best way to communicate and bond with your dog. Your dog has no idea that they are not supposed to pull on leash, to not jump on guests, or to come back when you call them.
2. Exercise
Our dogs spend a lot of time waiting around for us. We go off to work, we're busy, we have appointments to keep, and our dogs are just hanging out waiting for us to do something with them.
Dogs are extremely social and want to interact with us. Every dog needs two forms of exercise - mental and physical.
3. Good food
Not all dog foods are created equal. Feeding your dog a good diet is very important. Look at some of the labels on dog food. Some of them are loaded with chemicals, dyes, sugar and low grade products. A poor diet can result in bad behavior and poor health.
4. Leadership
Dogs are social pack animals. They survive by living together in packs. In order for that pack to survive they need to develop a social structure with a leader. When you dog comes into the house, you need to become the pack leader.
By becoming the pack leader your dog will know where they fit in. Becoming the pack leader does not mean that you have to be forceful. It simply means that you need to control the activities that are important to your dog which are sleeping, eating, playing, and social contact.
5. Play
Dogs live to play. Ever watch a group of puppies together? It is one of my favorite things to do. A group of puppies will jump, run, tug, and have a great time together. Playing with your dog is a great way to exercise and bond with your dog. It will also fulfill an important need in your dog.
6. Management
Good management skills are crucial. When a dog is young they usually get into a lot of trouble by chewing, stealing, jumping, etc. The owner, as the leader and teacher, needs to manage the dog's behavior when they are young. As the dog gets older and learns how to live with us humans, we do not need to manage as much.
7. Patience
Some of the best dog owners I know are the ones who are patient. Having a dog, especially a young one, can be very trying.
Follow these steps and you'll be a highly effective dog owner.
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| | About Our Trainer ( 0 ) | |
The basis for a good trainer stems from knowledge, experience, effectiveness and attitude. The Trainer actively looks for new ideas and implements positive changes for the better. A good trainer will learn from experience, have an open mind, be kind, patient, friendly, and involved.
LET'S GO!! Dog Training is Fun
(Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC
Owner: Bobbye J. Smith, Owner, Trainer, AKC CGC Evaluator Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Member
Bobbye brings a lifetime of experience with pets of all kinds having grown up with a variety of dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, gerbils, and hamsters. She's an accomplished Dog Trainer and Educator. Teaching Basic Obedience, AKC Socialization. Training. Activity. Responsibility (S.T.A.R) Puppy Program, AKC Canine Good Citizen Preparation Classes, Agility, Rally-Obedience, Off-Leash Obedience, Fun and Games, Clicker Training and Therapy Dog Preparation. She's also a full member in the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT).
Bobbye shares her story:
After a successful twenty plus year career with Baylor College of Medicine (Texas Medical Center - Houston, Texas), Bobbye retired to an old country home on five acres. Her plan was to train her personal and foster dogs. Also, on her list of things to do was planting vegetable, herb and flower gardens. A main goal was to learn to make homemade bread and butter pickles. With each day of fun and training, her dogs began to excel in obedience and agility. A number of them going on to "dock diving" competition in their family pond. Her "Big Boy" tomatoes were award winning and her bread and butter pickles took FIRST PRIZE at a local County Fair.
These things accomplished - she began to feel the pull of "doing more" and giving back. Bobbye's foster dogs are all obedience trained prior to being adopted into their forever homes. So, she reasoned, if she wanted a retirement career - she wanted to do something she deeply believes in. Bobbye deeply believes in dog training. It was natural to move into the dog training field.
To bring her training skills up to date and to practice her craft under the eyes of experts. She accepted an extensive apprenticeship with a successful animal trainer. Bobbye began training dogs in basic obedience, intermediate and advance classes. Eventually, she was instructing more than 20 obedience training classes a week, developing training relationships with literally hundreds of people and their dogs. It wasn't long before LET'S GO!! (Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC was born. LET'S GO!!'s PetParents were asking for more. Soon LET'S GO!!'s training program was expanded to include - Agility, Rally-O, Fun and Games and Famous Doggie Tricks.
LET'S GO!!'s driving force, in dog training, is to keep the family dog in the family, happy, healthy and well trained. This is accomplished by educating the PetParent. Teaching them to "think like a dog". It's impossible to say how many times I heard - "this is the last stop before the pound". Proudly, we've never "lost" a dog and we're happy to say even the most difficult dog cases are now living life happily, in the home, as a loving member of the family. It's no secret that our hearts belong to the adopted and/or rescued dog. Training discounts are available for dogs adopted from rescue groups or shelters. One of the things we like best is starting the family and new puppy off on the right track.
For more than 20 years Bobbye has been foster mother to many abandoned, homeless dogs. In 2004 St. Jude Safe Haven for Little Paws, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization was established to find permanent loving homes for these dogs.
In addition to training dogs, Bobbye has spent many years working with and mentoring individuals wanting to be dog trainers. Bobbye has been mentor to many successful dog trainers.
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| | About Us ( 0 ) | |
Bobbye J. Smith, Owner, Trainer - AKC CGC Evaluator
Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Full Member
(Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC
"My mission, my passion in life - through training and education, is to keep the family dog
in the family as a beloved, respected member of the family." -- Bobbye J. Smith
A Happy Family
Every dog has some area of improvement when it comes to behavior. Every PetParent has some area of improvement when it comes to training and bonding with their dogs. Whether it's joy, pride, peace of mind, it's important to you to raise a happy and well behaved dog.
LET'S GO!! (Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC will help you to be the best PetParent possible. Through an expert combination of verbal cues, hand signals and positive reinforcement LET'S GO!! uses a proven approach to help your dog learn positive, consistent behaviors and eliminate problems so you can have a better, lasting relationship.
THE RESULT: One Happy Family
Expertise makes all the difference between getting an okay and an exceptional education.
That's why LET'S GO!! only employs accredited professionals that, in addition, to their previous training experience, complete a rigorous curriculum in canine behavior, learning theory and problem solving. LET'S GO!!'s comprehensive instructor program was developed in partnership with renowned and respected animal behaviorists and pet trainers. The result is a highly effective way for you to understand not only why your pet behaves a certain way, but also how to teach positive, consistent behaviors.
Positive Reinforcement Techniques
LET'S GO!!'s training curriculum uses positive reinforcement techinques linked to visual cues to motivate behaviors. Not only is it more humane, it's more fun and effective.
Classes and Sessions for Every Life Stage
Classes and sessions are structured by life stages and skill levels, so the session of you choose will fit both you and your pet's needs. From learning the fundamentals, to complicated behaviors, LET'S GO!! makes training fun and effective so that your pet can be a better member of your family and you can be a better PetParent.
American Kennel Club - S.T.A.R. Certification
Get your new puppy off on the right paw with sessions that encourage good behaviors while helping you establish a strong bond. Key topics include: Introduction to simple cues such as watch-me, sit, down, stay, take-it/drop-it, recall (come when called). Potty Training. Nutrition and Bonding. Basic manners - socialization with people and other dogs. Relationship forming games. Exercise techniques. Problems prevention. Tips on puppy health, grooming and nutrition. Introduction to the clicker.
Canine Good Citizen Certification Prep Class
This session will help further develop your dog's ability to learn behaviors involving greater distance, longer duration and bigger distractions. Some of the cues taught in this session: Heeling with right and left hand turns. Stand, Park-it (go to place). Front. Otherside and Return to Side. Games: Musical mats and Dress-up.
Key topics include: Brief review of basis cues - Adding the 3"D"s. Distance. Duration. Distraction.
Cues such as stay from a longer distance for longer periods of time. Learning with distractions.
Relationship forming games.
This session will prepare your dog to take their Canine Good Citizen Certification Exam. If you'd ever wanted to do therapy visiting work with your dog this is the verification that will help you realize this goal.
Advanced Sessions
These sessions will help strengthen your dog's reliability in every situation. Visits to dog friendly restaurants and establishments.
Basic Agility
Fun for you and your dog. You and your dog will expand your expertise and bonding by this fun class. Basic agility will include - the Tire Jump, the Bar Jump, Weave Poles, Tunnels and more.
Rally Obedience
Fun and Games
No Refunds Issued After Sessions Begin
(Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC
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| | FREE Telephone Consultation ( 0 ) | |
Got Potty Training problems? Got questions? Frustrated?
Fed Up? Got inappropriate behavior problems?
Jumping, chewing, barking, digging, nipping,
darting out of the door, crate training, pulling on the leash?
Are you ready to throw in the towel?
FREE Telephone Consultation:
Bobbye: 832-282-1686
Raising a new puppy - bringing a new adopted or rescued dog into your family is doable. Lots of people do it successfully daily. It's not always easy. It is after all a major life change. But, it should be a happy joyous time. Not a major frustration for you and your new family member.
Call me.. Leave a message with your name and phone number. Please mention that you're calling for a FREE telephone conversation. Repeat your telephone number at least twice. We promise to phone back within 24 hours. In the meantime - take a deep breath - relax - we can do this together. No strings - it's really FREE. It's important to us to help you and your new pet. We really and truly - from the bottom of our hearts want this new relationship with your puppy or dog to work. Honest.
LET'S GO!! Dog Training is Fun
832-282-1686 | |
| | How to Choose a Trainer ( 0 ) | |
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior
How to Choose a Trainer:
Choosing a dog trainer can be one of the most important decisions that you make in your dog's life. The techniques that a trainer uses can strongly affect how you interact with your dog for years to come. Therefore, it is very important to choose your trainer wisely. Here are some sidelines for choosing a dog trainer. Remember, training should be a fun experience for both you and your dog. 1. Reward-based training.
1. Reward-based training. There are numerous ways to train dogs. In addition, each animal has his/own learning style and preferred motivators. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) endorses training methods which allow animals to work for things (e.eg, food, play, affection) that motivate them rather than techniques that focus on using fear or pain to punish them for undesirable behaviors. Look for a trainer who uses primarily or only reward-based training with treats, toys, and play. Avoid any trainer who advocates methods of physical force that can harm your pet such as hanging dogs by their collars or hitting them with their hands, feet or leashes.
Research shows that dogs do not need to be physically punished to learn how to behave, and there are significant risks associated with using punishment (such as inhibiting learning, increasing fear, and/or stimulating aggressive events). Therefore, trainers who routinely use choke collars, pinch collars, shock collars, and other methods of physical punishment as a primary training method should be avoided. Because of its risks, punishment should only be used by a trainer who can fully explain the possible adverse effects (See AVSAB Punishment Position Statement on the AVSAB web site) and instruct owners in one-on-one sessions how to perform the techniques correctly.
Punishment should not be used as a general first-time approach; instead trainers using punishment should discuss specifically which situations may call for its use. General use of such punishment assumes that animals always know exactly what humans expect of them and are willfully disobeying. In fact, animals are often disobeying because people have accidentally reinforced the wrong behaviors or have not communicated clearly the appropriate behaviors. No learner wants to be in a situation where they have to constantly be afraid of making a mistake.
2. Good Teacher. A good instructor should explain what behavior they are training, why it is important, and then demonstrate it. In a class situation, they should provide ample time in class to practice and individually assist students. They should be able to adapt their humane training methods to the individual dog. Class sizes should be small to ensure individual attention, or assistants should be helping with the classes.
3. Continual Education. Look for a trainer who demonstrates continual self-education. A conscientious trainer will keep up-to-date with new training theories and methods, and may attend workshops and conferences.
4. Respectful. A good trainer should be personable and respectful of both you and your dog. Avoid trainers who recommend using physical force (e.g.., alpha rolling, pushing a dog into position, hitting, choke chain or pinch collar correction) or methods/devices that have the potential for harm, as an acceptable way to train. Additionally, avoid trainers who make you feel bad about the speed or progress that your dog is making. (see AVSAB Punishment Position Statement on the AVSAB web site).
5. Observe a class. Always ask to observe a class before attending. You need to make sure that the teaching style of the instructor will work with how you learn. Also, watch the students and their dogs. Are they having fun or looking stressed? Are the dogs' tails up and wagging or down and/or tucked? Are the people taking with their dogs in happy, upbeat voices or are they scolding or even yelling at them? Talk to the current students - are they enjoying the class and free that their dogs are learning? If a trainer does not allow you to observe a class, ask yourself (and the trainer) why.
6. Do you feel comfortable? Ultimately, you should feel comfortable doing whatever it is the trainer asks you to do to your dog. If your trainer ever tells you to do something to your dog that you believe will cause your or your dog undue harm or distress, ask them to explain why they recommend that technique, what the potential drawbacks of the technique are and how these will be addressed should they occur. Alternatively, you should ask for another option.
7. There are no guarantees. Because of the variable and often unpredictable nature of behavior, a conscientious trainer cannot and will not guarantee the results of training. However, they should be willing to ensure satisfaction of their services.
8. Vaccinations. A good instructor will take care to protect the dogs in a class situation. They should have vaccine requirements for the dogs, and should discourage owners from bringing sick dogs to class. Make sure that your veterinarian is, comfortable with the trainer's vaccination requirements, especially if the trainer is running puppy classes.
9. Problem behaviors. When dealing with problem behaviors, such as biting and fighting, destructiveness, etc., a good trainer should feel comfortable collaborating with your veterinarian and should know when to seek help from other professionals. Many behavioral changes are caused by underlying physical problems, and a proficient trainer may ask you to visit your veterinarian for medical testing. In addition, many behavior problems are actually medial disorders that require diagnosis and treatment by a veterinarian. Your veterinarian may consider adding medication to your pet's behavior modification plan once your pet's situation has been completely assessed. Unless a trainer is a veterinarian, he/she does not have the medical background to recommend specific medications or to assess the possible risks and benefits of using medications in individual animals.
American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior
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| | I Am a Dog. I Am Not a Thing. ( 0 ) | |
I am a dog. I am not a thing
I am a dog. I am a living, breathing animal. I feel pain, joy, love, fear and pleasure. I am not a thing. If I am hit - I will bruise, I will bleed, I will break. I feel pain. I am not a thing.
I am a dog. I enjoy playtime, walk time, but more than anything, I enjoy time with my pack - my family - my people. I want nothing more than to be by the side of my human. I want to sleep where you sleep and walk where you walk.
I am a dog and I feel love...I crave companionship. I enjoy the touch of a kind hand and the softness of a good bed. I want to be inside of the home with my family, not stuck on the end of a chain or alone in a kennel or fenced yard for hours on end. I was born to be a companion, not to live a life of solitude.
I get too cold and I get too hot. I experience hunger and thirst. I am a living creature, not a thing. When you leave, I want to go with you. If I stay behind, I will eagerly await your return. I long for the sound of your voice. I will do most anything to please you. I live to be your treasured companion.
I am a dog. My actions are not dictated by money, greed, or hatred. I do not know prejudice. I live in the moment and am ruled by love and loyalty.
Do not mistake me for a mindless object. I can feel and I can think. I can experience more than physical pain, I can feel fear and joy. I can feel love and confusion. I have emotions. I understand perhaps more than you do. I am able to comprehend the words you speak to me, but you are not always able to understand me.
I am a dog. I am not able to care for myself without your help. If you choose to tie me up and refuse to feed me, I will starve. If you abandon me on a rural road, I will experience fear and loneliness. I will search for you and wonder why I have been left behind. I am not a piece of property to be dumped and forgotten.
If you choose to leave me at a shelter, I will be frightened and bewildered. I will watch for your return with every footfall that approaches my kennel run.
I am a dog - a living, breathing creature. If you choose to take me home, please provide me with the things that I need to keep me healthy and happy. Provide me with good food, clean water, warm shelter and your love. Do not abandon me. Do not kick me. Do not dump me when your life gets too busy. Make a commitment to me for the entirety of my life, or do not take me home in the first place.
If you desert me, I do not have the means to care for myself. I am at the mercy of the kindness of people - if I fall into the wrong hands, my life will be ruined.
I will experience pain, fear and loneliness. If I wind up in an animal shelter, I have only my eyes to implore someone to save me, and my tail to show you that I am a friend. If that is not good enough, I will die.
I am a dog. I want to give and receive love. I want to live. I am not a thing. I am not a piece of property. Please do not discard me. Please treat me with kindness, love and respect. I promise to repay you with unconditional love for as long as I live.
Penny Eims
Dog News Examiner
November 2010
LET’S GO!! (Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC
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| | I Am Your Puppy ( 0 ) | |
I am your Puppy, and I will love you until the end of the Earth, but please know a few things about me. I am a puppy, this means that my intelligence and capacity for learning are the same as an 8-month-old child. I cannot hold my bladder for longer than 1 - 2 hours. I cannot "feel" that I need to pee or poop until it is actually beginning to come out. I cannot vocalize nor tell you that I need to go, and I cannot have "bladder and bowel control" until 6 - 9 months. Do not punish me if you have not let me out for 3 hours and I tinkle. It is your fault. As a Puppy, it is wise to remember that I NEED to go potty after: Eating, Sleeping, Playing, Drinking and around every 2 - 3 hours in addition. If you want me to sleep through the night, then do not give me water after 7 to 8 p.m. A crate will help me learn to housebreak easier, and will avoid you being mad at me.
I am a Puppy; accidents WILL happen, please be patient with me! I am a Puppy, I like to play. I will run around, and chase imaginary monsters, and chase your feet and your toes and 'attack' you, and chase fuzzbaalls, other pets, and small kids. It is play; it's what I do. Do not be mad at me or expect me to sedate mellow and sleep all day.
If my high energy level is too much for you, maybe you could consider an older rescue from a shelter or Rescue group. My play is beneficial, use your wisdom to guide me in my play and appropriate toys, and activities like chasing a rolling ball, or gentle tug games, or plenty of chew yous for me. If I nip you too hard, talk to me in "dog talk", by giving a loud YELP, I will usually get the message, as this is how dogs communicate with one another. If I get too rough, simply ignore me for a few moments, or put me in my crate with an appropriate chew toy.
I am a Puppy; hopefully you would not yell, hit, strike, kick or beat a 6-moth-old human infant, so please do not do the same to me. I am delicate, also very impressionable. If you treat me harshly now, I will grow up learning to fear being hit, spanked, kicked or beat. Instead, please guide me with encouragement and wisdom. For instance, if I am chewing something wrong, say, "No Chew!" and hand me a toy I CAN chew. Better yet, pick up ANYTHING that you do not want me to get into. I can't tell the difference between your old sock and your new sock, or an old sneaker and your $200 Nikes.
I am a Puppy, and I am a creature with feelings and drives much like your own, but yet also very different. Although I am NOT a human in a dog suit, neither am I an unfeeling robot who can instantly obey your every whim. I truly DO want to please you, and be a part of your family, and your life. You got me (I hope) because you want a loving partner and companion, so do not relegate me to the backyard when I get bigger, do not judge me harshly but instead mold me with gentleness and guidelines and training into the kind of family member you want me to be.
I am a Puppy, and I am not perfect, and i know you are not perfect either. I love you anyway. So please, learn all you can about training, and puppy behaviors and caring for me from your veterinarian, books particular breed and it's "characteristics", it will give you understanding and insight into WHY I do all the things I do. Please teach me with love, patience, the right way to behave and socialize me with training in a puppy class or obedience class, we will BOTH have a lot of fun together.
I am a Puppy, and I want more than anything to love you, to be with you and to please you. Won't you please take time to understand how I work? We are the same you and I, in that we both feel hunger, pain, thirst, discomfort, fear, but yet we are also very different and must work to understand one another's language, body signals, wants and needs. Some day I will be a handsome dog, one you can be proud of and one that you will love as much as I love you.
Love, Your Puppy
(Copyright 2000, by J. Ellis) | |
| | If your dog could speak English ( 0 ) | |
If your dog could speak English, maybe he or she would say …
I am your dog. You got me from a shelter or a breeder or a long line of my family in your family. I am tiny, small, compact, medium, large or huge. I am a pure breed or a “sooner” (just as soon be one breed as another). If we’re both lucky, you got me when I was a puppy. You think you chose me. But maybe I really chose you.
Treat me right, because I trust my fate to you. I will be with you through boyfriends, girlfriends, breakups, marriages, divorces, layoffs, deaths and births and the loss of old friends and the gain of new ones. I will be with you through sickness and health. I will walk with you, run with you, laugh and cry with you and sleep on your bed with you. I will make your heart and life happy with my love and all my life.
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| | Potty Training Seminar Notes ( 0 ) | |
Dogs are not born potty trained.
Dogs are not born knowing what to do.
Dogs do not know “good” - “bad” - “right” - wrong” - “positive” - “negative” - “appropriate” - “inappropriate”
It’s up to us, their PetParents to teach them - just like we taught our human children.
An accident is just that - an accident
A mistake is just that - a mistake.
Your dog did not stay up all night trying to figure out how to irritate you. He had an accident - a mistake - if he knew better - he’d do better.
He isn’t being stubborn. He isn’t being spiteful. Dogs don’t think that way.
He doesn’t know what he did. He doesn’t look guilty. He looks scared and fearful. If you punish a dog for a potty training accident - the only thing you’re doing is teaching your dog to fear you. He will still go - but he will hide it. Behind the couch, in another room, in the dining room - down the hallway. All they know is that they have to potty - a natural bodily function - but when he does he gets into trouble. He may even get to a point where he will not potty in front of you - fearing he will get into trouble. He might not potty on his walk but will hurry back home to potty.
Your dog waits anxiously all day for you to come home. He’s not thinking about the accident he had earlier in the day - he’s thinking how wonderful it will be when you get home. You get home and see his accident. You scream - you punish - you pull you dog to the accident - all you’ve done is make your much anticipated homecoming a nightmare. He doesn’t know why you’re acting like a maniac - only that you are and you’re making him the object of your angry behavior. You have just taught your dog to fear to fear you.
Do not just open the door and let your dog out to potty on his own. Then 30 minutes later call him inside - thinking he’s had plenty of time to potty. Put his leash on. Take him outside to his “potty spot”. Tell him to “go potty”. Give him 10 - 15 minutes to potty. If he doesn’t potty - take him back inside and in his crate. Five minutes later - same thing - leash - potty spot. His reward for potty-ing in the yard is to be allowed to play in the yard.
Set up a schedule and stick to it.
Do not free feed.
What goes in on schedule comes out on schedule.
You dog should never be allowed in your home unsupervised. If you can’t supervise him - he needs to be in his safe place. In his crate. In a puppy playpen - behind a gate in the kitchen or powder room.
Get down on your hands and knees and look at the word from your puppy/dog’s level. Look for cords, chemicals, chair legs - table legs.
Don’t use the word “no”. I’ve had dogs in class that thought part of their name was “no”. “No-Spot” “Spot-No”. If you want you dogs attention - if you want to redirect him - use the sound “eh-eh”. It’s loud, it’s sharp and it’s all you need to get his attention.
You have three to five SECONDS to reward or redirect. More than that your dog won’t know why he’s being rewarded. Redirection will mean nothing to him.
The last thing your dog did before you rewarded or redirected is what you rewarded or redirected.
No treats, or praise, or affection unless he has four feet on the floor. He can be sitting, standing or laying but he must have four feet on the floor.
Reward and redirect. Just like children.
Read the label on the dog food bag. Just like food for humans - the label is very revealing. The first ingredient is 95% of the product. If corn is listed as the first ingredient then that dog food is at least 95% corn. Corn is a filler. There is no nutritional value in corn. Corn goes in one end and out the other. A product with 95%+ corn will make it difficult to potty train - as the food isn’t absorbed by your kiddos body. It just passes through. A premium brand may seen more expensive but really it’s not. It will take more of the corn product to satisfy you dog. You will feed twice as much. A premium food will be absorbed and you dog will use all of the ingredients and nutrition. You’ll find your dogs poop will be smaller and more concentrated. No huge piles.
LET'S GO!! (Positive Reinforcement Dog Training) LLC
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| | Services ( 8 ) | |
Class Descriptions
Great dogs aren't born; they're trained.
LET'S GO!! never uses choke chains, prong collars, shock collars or physical punishment.
LET'S GO!! 's training sessions/classes are designed for the PetParent and their dog(s). LET'S GO!! trains YOU to train your dog to behave in the real world. LET'S GO!! teachs you how to use obedience cues to teach your dog to sit nicely for petting, walk on a loose leash or quietly wait while you answer the door. We train you to train your dog. We train household manners. We train respect for the dog and respect for the family members. We use positive reinforcement in all of our training sessions/classes.
During the learning phase, rewards are used to teach the proper response to cues, to motivate and to reward. Exercises set the dogs up for success. As the dogs succeed, the PetParents do, too; thereby creating an atmosphere of accomplishment and fun.
Compliance is taught through the principles of canine communication, eye contact, posture and movement. Dogs, as pack animals, respect and expect leadership. Using these principles, dogs are taught gently and effectively that you are the leader. The result is response the first time, every time. | |
| | Tricks For Pits ( 0 ) | |
In October 2009 Bobbye participated and trained 40+ Pit Bulls in a program that aims to change culture of pit bull ownership. "Tricks for Pits" aims to change the culture of pit bull ownership in urban areas where misuse of the animals and dog-fighting are prevalent. Forty plus pit bulls and their teenage owners enrolled in the first two classes.
Thirty-six graduated the ten week course and four went on to obtain their American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Certification. Harris County Public Health Veterinary Division started the classes after seeing a significant increase in the number of pit bulls being abandoned, pit bull bites and police calls concerning vicious members of the breed. All of the pit bulls were vaccinated for free prior to class. Only one of the 40+ pit bulls had ever been vaccinated.
During the then weeks of class 85% of the pit bulls were spayed or neutered. Choke chains, prong collars and electric collars were NOT used for training. All training was done with no-slip collars and six foot regular leads.
Train Don't Chain - Off the Chain on the Leash.
LET'S GO!! Dog Training is Fun
832-282-1686 | |
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